To adapt the need of applications 'changeable I/ O performance, I/ O storage subsystem should be highly scalable. 但以往的盘阵扩展性不足.而用户或应用程序对外存容量和I/O性能需求是变化的,盘阵系统本身必须有很强的扩展性,以适应系统的I/O需求。
It is shown that as regards the reservoirs with changeable storage types and pore structures, the oil or gas saturation values calculated by use of the fixed parameters a and m can't meet the needs of the accuracy of estimating reserves. 结果表明,对储集类型和孔隙结构多变的储层,利用固定不变的a、m参数计算得到的含油气饱和度无法满足储量计算精度要求。